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[Nagasaki] Of first and the second "trip campaign of "heart breathing" in a hometown" temporarily stop; and about decision of the use extension
[the handling to temporarily stop it, and to affect extension during a period]
● "I stop" and do the acceptance of the new reservation using a campaign after 21:00 on 4/19 Monday.
● If it is just for Thursday, April 22 staying, the reservation that has been accepted by 21:00 on 4/19 Monday is effective.
● That an accommodation coupon is not available for prevention of trouble for the customer that a room reservation is made after Friday, April 23, and a period of use    
      I inform you of that it was extended. I will tell you some other time in a deadline for use that there was as Sunday, April 30.
● The accommodation coupon is available for the refund at a store (or the secretariat) which I purchased, too. The secretariat phone number :095-8881-6347
● When a cancellation fee is caused with temporarily stopping it at this time, each accommodation is expected to pay it once, and I am returned from a customer by the secretariat
  I would like application. In addition, is not pregnant when return application is done a customer; "the cancellation of the person planning use of campaign of the sky
  The attachment of the receipt found to be ryo is necessary.
● Detailed (include receipt mention contents) of "a return application" and the return procedure when have return application of a cancellation fee "Nagasaki trip net"
  Please see this.   
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