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What's New and news

A November 01 start "plan ヽ (^.of the supreme bliss full of ARA ^) no"
An annual "natural ARA hot pot festival" begins! It is still a thing of last year (from November 01, 2017 until January 2, 2018) during the period of the photograph.
"The plan that recommending it cooks one ARA entirely of this museum full of ARA." I am absorbed in annual "ARA Festival" dakarakosono luxury! In addition, I usually prepare ARA pans for a plan for +3,000 yen (it includes tax, a service charge). It is festival plan of the deficit readiness. Please appreciate an ARA pan at this opportunity. +('^ω^ `) +. where collagen is plentiful, and there is no purumpurun mistake in the skin of the next morning  
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