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Employment information

Offer essential point, application method

The person who can operate the basic word Excel. A bookkeeping qualification holder kind treatment.
The type of job
General office work
000000 yen - 000000 yen
Other benefits
Qualification allowance/night duty medical treatment/housing allowance/commutation allowance/overtime pay/year-end and New Year medical treatment
Raise in salary
Once a year periodical increase in pay
Twice a year (June, December)
Work location
○○City ○○ town
Working hours
00:00-00:00 (break one hour)
Holiday, vacation
Four weeks 8 rest system (around nine days a month)
Year-end and New Year vacation/paid vacation/congratulations or condolence leave/compassionate leave/tray vacation/Sundays and holidays
Service, welfare program
There is/transportation expenses total amount supply/retirement bonus system equipped with social insurance
The application over the telephone is possible, too.
Inn Tanoura Onsen TEL: 0950-22-2241
(time in weekdays 00:00-00:00)
Please feel free to contact the questions.
 Inquiry foam is this
TEL. +81-950-22-2241
I look forward to the inquiry over the telephone
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